Builder Class

class QKnxNetIpExtendedDeviceDibProxy ::Builder

The QKnxNetIpExtendedDeviceDibProxy::Builder class creates a KNXnet/IP extended device information DIB structure. 更多...


Builder (const Builder & other )
Builder ()
Builder & operator= (const Builder & other )
~Builder ()
QKnxNetIpDib create () const
Builder & setDeviceDescriptorType0 (quint16 type )
Builder & setMaximumLocalApduLength (quint16 length )
Builder & setMediumStatus (QKnx::MediumStatus status )


A KNXnet/IP extended device information DIB structure contains specific information about a KNXnet/IP device, such as the KNX medium status, maximum local APDU length and the device descriptor type (mask version).

The common way to create such a DIB structure is:

// fetch the medium status
auto dib = QKnxNetIpExtendedDeviceDibProxy::builder()


Builder:: Builder (const Builder & other )

构造副本为 other .

Builder:: Builder ()

Creates a new empty extended device information DIB structure builder object.

Builder &Builder:: operator= (const Builder & other )

赋值指定 other 到此对象。

Builder:: ~Builder ()


QKnxNetIpDib Builder:: create () const

Creates and returns a generic KNXnet/IP extended device information DIB structure containing the specific device information of a KNXnet/IP device.

注意: The returned structure may be invalid depending on the values used during setup.

另请参阅 isValid ().

Builder &Builder:: setDeviceDescriptorType0 ( quint16 type )

Sets the descriptor type of the KNXnet/IP DIB structure to type and returns a reference to the builder.

Builder &Builder:: setMaximumLocalApduLength ( quint16 length )

Sets the maximum local APDU length of the KNXnet/IP DIB structure to length and returns a reference to the builder.

Builder &Builder:: setMediumStatus ( QKnx::MediumStatus status )

Sets the medium status to status and returns a reference to the builder.