Qt 5.10 的新功能

Qt 5.10 中的新特征

Qt Connectivity 模块

  • The UWP Bluetooth and Bluetooth LE backends can now be used on Windows 10.

Qt Graphical Effects 模块

  • Added support for effects in core profile OpenGL contexts.

Qt GUI 模块

Qt Network 模块

  • Upgraded OpenSSL back-end to use library v1.1.
  • Persistent store of HSTS policies in QNAM ( QSettings -based).

Qt Quick 模块

  • Added a shapes plugin, providing a Shape type under QtQuick .Shapes 1.0, which enables adding stroked and filled paths into Qt Quick scenes. Such shapes are rendered either by generating geometry or by using the GL_NV_path_rendering extension.
  • Added the Qt.labs.handlers plugin (tech. preview), providing TapHandler , PinchHandler ,和 DragHandler . These are lightweight objects for handling events from the mouse or the touchscreen in a device-agnostic way.

    注意: The plugin is available as a technology preview so it could could change in future releases.

  • Added support for multi-sample framebuffers to QQuickItem layers using the layer.samples property.
  • 添加 font.kerning and font.preferShaping properties for advanced control over the font shaping subsystem.
  • 添加 advance property to Text to retrieve the typographical advance width.
  • Added Image element to enable direct loading of ETC1 and ETC2 compressed textures from .pkm files on platforms where ETC1/2 are supported.

Qt Quick Controls 2 模块

Qt SerialBus 模块

  • Added local echo flag to QCanBusFrame to mark frames that are sent from the local system to the CAN bus.

Qt Virtual Keyboard 模块

  • Added the keyboard layouts for Hebrew, Serbian, Hungarian, Czech, Croatian, Bulgarian, Greek, Estonian, and Dutch.
  • Added handwriting support for Farsi, Arabic, and CJK (Chinese/Japanese/Korean).
  • Added new component ( InputModeKey ) for input mode switch.

Qt WebEngine 模块

  • Updated to be based on Chromium 60.
  • Added pause/resume functionality to download items.
  • Added settings for blocking JavaScript focus and hiding scrollbars.
  • Updated QWebEnginePage with more WebActions, which were supported by QWebPage earlier.
  • Added QWebEnginePage::download for triggering downloads.

Qt Widgets 模块


These modules were previously released as technology preview and are now fully supported Qt add-on modules.


  • Qt Remote Objects (TP2) - Sharing QObject interfaces (signals, slots, and properties) between processes or devices.
  • Qt WebGL Streaming Plugin - Enables streaming Qt application to a web browser over the network.


  • Qt Script

Deprecated modules are still included in Qt 5.10, but are considered for removal in future releases.

API 变化列表

以下页面包含 Qt 5.10 中的 API 变化列表:

其它 Qt 5 发行的补充